--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- Name : options_packs_usage_statistics.sql ------- MOS Note 1317265.1 ------- ------- Applies to: Oracle Database - Version 11.2 and later ------- ------- Usage : Use SQL*Plus to connect to the database (locally or remotely) ------- with any user having SELECT ANY DICTIONARY privilege: ------- sqlplus / @options_packs_usage_statistics.sql ------- ------- Collect output file spooled in the current directory: ------- options_packs_usage_statistics.txt ------- ------- For Container Databases (CDB): ------- - when connected to CDB$ROOT container, the script lists ------- data for all the open PDBs, properly detecting if ------- Multitenant Option licensing is needed. ------- - when connected to a PDB, the script lists only local data, ------- as there is no visibility to other PDBs, due to the isolation ------- provided by the Multitenant Architecture. For the same reason, ------- Multitenant Option usage (more than one PDB) cannot be detected. ------- ------- Description : This script provides usage statistics for features corresponding ------- to Database Options and Management Packs. ------- The report is based on DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view. ------- Note that the feature usage data in the view is updated once ------- a week, so it may take up to 7 days for the report to show ------- recent usage of options and/or packs. ------- The CURRENTLY_USED column of DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS view ------- indicates if the feature in question was used during the last ------- sampling interval. ------- Note that the view contains a different set of entries for each ------- VERSION and DBID occurring in the database history. ------- The weekly refresh process updates only the current row set. ------- ------- Disclaimer : The following report provides usage statistics for ------- licensable Database Options and Enterprise Management Packs. ------- This information is to be used for informational purposes only and ------- this does not represent your license entitlement or requirement. ------- The usage data may indicate, in some cases, false positives. ------- Please see MOS DOC ID 1309070.1 for more information. ------- This may be due to inclusion of usage by sample schemas (such as HR, ------- PM, SH...) or system/internal usage. ------- ------- Support : For any report issue or discrepancy in the DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS ------- data please, create a service request. ------- For any licensing related question please contact License Management ------- Services (LMS) representative at: ------- http://www.oracle.com/us/corporate/license-management-services/index.html ------- ------- Revision : Aug-2015 ------- Author : Sorin Serban - LMS - Business Services ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set ECHO OFF set TERMOUT ON set TAB OFF set TRIMOUT ON set TRIMSPOOL ON set PAGESIZE 50000 set LINESIZE 500 set FEEDBACK OFF set VERIFY OFF set COLSEP '|' break on CON_NAME skip page duplicates CLEAR COLUMNS col HOST_NAME format a40 wrap col INSTANCE_NAME format a16 wrap col DATABASE_NAME format a14 wrap col OPEN_MODE format a16 wrap col RESTRICTED format a10 wrap col DATABASE_ROLE format a16 wrap col VERSION format a11 wrap col BANNER format a80 wrap col CONNECTED_TO format a12 wrap col CON_ID format 99999 wrap col LAST_DBA_FUS_VERSION format a17 wrap col PRODUCT format a50 wrap col FEATURE_BEING_USED format a56 wrap col USAGE format a24 wrap col EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO format a80 wrap col CURRENTLY_USED format a14 wrap col CURRENT_CONTAINER_NAME format a30 wrap col CURRENT_CONTAINER_ID format a20 wrap col PARAMETER format a30 wrap col VALUE format a20 wrap alter session set nls_date_format='YYYY.MM.DD_HH24.MI.SS'; spool options_packs_usage_statistics.txt prompt OVERALL INFORMATION select i.HOST_NAME, i.INSTANCE_NAME, d.NAME as database_name, d.OPEN_MODE, d.DATABASE_ROLE, d.CREATED, d.DBID, i.VERSION, v.BANNER from V$INSTANCE i, V$DATABASE d, V$VERSION v where v.BANNER LIKE 'Oracle%' or v.BANNER like 'Personal Oracle%' ; select distinct NAME as PARAMETER, VALUE from GV$PARAMETER where lower(NAME) in ('control_management_pack_access', 'enable_ddl_logging') order by 1; prompt prompt prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prompt MULTITENANT INFORMATION (Please ignore errors in pre 12.1 databases) prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ select c.CON_ID, c.NAME, c.OPEN_MODE, c.RESTRICTED, case when c.OPEN_MODE not like 'READ%' and c.CON_ID = sys_context('USERENV', 'CON_ID') and c.CON_ID != 0 then 'NOT OPEN! DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS is not accessible. *CURRENT CONTAINER' when c.OPEN_MODE not like 'READ%' then 'NOT OPEN! DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS is not accessible.' when c.CON_ID = sys_context('USERENV', 'CON_ID') and d.CDB='YES' and c.CON_ID not in (0, 1) then '*CURRENT CONTAINER. Only data for this PDB will be listed.' when c.CON_ID = sys_context('USERENV', 'CON_ID') and d.CDB='YES' and c.CON_ID = 1 then '*CURRENT CONTAINER is CDB$ROOT. Information for all open PDBs will be listed.' else '' end as REMARKS from V$CONTAINERS c, V$DATABASE d order by CON_ID; prompt prompt The multitenant architecture with one user-created pluggable database (single tenant) is available in all editions without the Multitenant Option. prompt If more than one PDB containers are created, then Multitenant Option licensing is needed -- Prepare settings for pre 12c databases define DFUS=DBA_ col DFUS_ new_val DFUS noprint define DCOL1=CON_ID col DCOL1_ new_val DCOL1 noprint define DCID=-1 col DCID_ new_val DCID noprint define DCOL2=CON_NAME col DCOL2_ new_val DCOL2 noprint define DCNA=to_char(NULL) col DCNA_ new_val DCNA noprint select 'CDB_' as DFUS_, 'CON_ID' as DCID_, '(select NAME from V$CONTAINERS xz where xz.CON_ID=xy.CON_ID)' as DCNA_, 'XXXXXX' as DCOL1_, 'XXXXXX' as DCOL2_ from CDB_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS where exists (select 1 from V$DATABASE where CDB='YES') and rownum=1; col CON_ID NOPRINT col GID NOPRINT -- Hide CON_NAME column for non-Container Databases: col &&DCOL2 NOPRINT prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prompt >>> Selecting from &&DFUS.FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS prompt prompt prompt DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS (DBA_FUS) INFORMATION - MOST RECENT SAMPLE BASED ON LAST_SAMPLE_DATE select distinct &&DCID as CON_ID, first_value (DBID ) over (partition by &&DCID order by last_sample_date desc nulls last) as last_dba_fus_dbid, first_value (VERSION ) over (partition by &&DCID order by last_sample_date desc nulls last) as last_dba_fus_version, first_value (LAST_SAMPLE_DATE) over (partition by &&DCID order by last_sample_date desc nulls last) as last_dba_fus_sample_date, sysdate, case when (select trim(max(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE) || max(TOTAL_SAMPLES)) from &&DFUS.FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS) = '0' then 'NEVER SAMPLED !!!' else '' end as REMARKS from &&DFUS.FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS order by CON_ID ; prompt prompt prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prompt PRODUCT USAGE prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ with MAP as ( -- mapping between features tracked by DBA_FUS and their corresponding database products (options or packs) select '' PRODUCT, '' feature, '' MVERSION, '' CONDITION from dual union all SELECT 'Active Data Guard' , 'Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Active Data Guard' , 'Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Active Data Guard' , 'Global Data Services' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Analytics' , 'Data Mining' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Analytics' , 'Data Mining' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'ADVANCED Index Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Advanced Index Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup HIGH Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup HIGH Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup LOW Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup LOW Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup MEDIUM Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup MEDIUM Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup ZLIB Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup ZLIB Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Data Guard' , '11.2' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Data Guard' , '12.1' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Flashback Data Archive' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Flashback Data Archive' , '' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- licensing required by Optimization for Flashback Data Archive SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Flashback Data Archive' , '12.1' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- licensing required by Optimization for Flashback Data Archive SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'HeapCompression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'HeapCompression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Heat Map' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all -- SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Information Lifecycle Management' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Advanced Network Compression Service' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '11.2' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '12.1' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '11.2' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '12.1' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Compression (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Compression (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Deduplication (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Deduplication (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Backup Encryption' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Backup Encryption' , '12.1' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- licensing required only by encryption to disk SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Data Redaction' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Encrypted Tablespaces' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Encrypted Tablespaces' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '11.2' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '12.1' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '11.2' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '12.1' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'SecureFile Encryption (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'SecureFile Encryption (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Transparent Data Encryption' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Transparent Data Encryption' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Change Management Pack' , 'Change Management Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Configuration Management Pack for Oracle Database' , 'EM Config Management Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Data Masking Pack' , 'Data Masking Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Database Gateway' , 'Gateways' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Database Gateway' , 'Transparent Gateway' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database In-Memory' , 'In-Memory Aggregation' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database In-Memory' , 'In-Memory Column Store' , '' , 'BUG' from dual union all SELECT 'Database Vault' , 'Oracle Database Vault' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database Vault' , 'Oracle Database Vault' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database Vault' , 'Privilege Capture' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'ADDM' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'ADDM' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline Template' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline Template' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Report' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Report' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Automatic Workload Repository' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Adaptive Thresholds' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Adaptive Thresholds' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Static Computations' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Static Computations' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Diagnostic Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'EM Performance Page' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Exadata' , 'Exadata' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Exadata' , 'Exadata' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.GoldenGate' , 'GoldenGate' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Hybrid Columnar Compression' , '12.1' , 'BUG' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Sun ZFS with EHCC' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'ZFS Storage' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Zone maps' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Label Security' , 'Label Security' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Label Security' , 'Label Security' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Multitenant' , 'Oracle Multitenant' , '12.1' , 'C003' from dual union all -- licensing required only when more than one PDB containers are created SELECT 'Multitenant' , 'Oracle Pluggable Databases' , '12.1' , 'C003' from dual union all -- licensing required only when more than one PDB containers are created SELECT 'OLAP' , 'OLAP - Analytic Workspaces' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'OLAP' , 'OLAP - Analytic Workspaces' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'OLAP' , 'OLAP - Cubes' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Partitioning' , 'Partitioning (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Partitioning' , 'Partitioning (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Partitioning' , 'Zone maps' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Pillar Storage' , 'Pillar Storage' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Pillar Storage' , 'Pillar Storage with EHCC' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , 'EM Standalone Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack for Database' , 'EM Database Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'RAC or RAC One Node' , 'Quality of Service Management' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Clusters' , 'Real Application Clusters (RAC)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Clusters' , 'Real Application Clusters (RAC)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Clusters One Node' , 'Real Application Cluster One Node' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Capture' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Capture' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Replay' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Replay' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'SQL Performance Analyzer' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'SQL Performance Analyzer' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Secure Backup' , 'Oracle Secure Backup' , '12.1' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- does not differentiate usage of Oracle Secure Backup Express, which is free SELECT 'Spatial and Graph' , 'Spatial' , '11.2' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- does not differentiate usage of Locator, which is free SELECT 'Spatial and Graph' , 'Spatial' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Automatic Maintenance - SQL Tuning Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Real-Time SQL Monitoring' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Real-Time SQL Monitoring' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Access Advisor' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Access Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Monitoring and Tuning pages' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Profile' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Profile' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Tuning Advisor' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Tuning Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Tuning Set (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Tuning Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition' , 'EM AS Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all select '' PRODUCT, '' FEATURE, '' MVERSION, '' CONDITION from dual ), FUS as ( -- the current data set to be used: DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS or CDB_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS for Container Databases(CDBs) select &&DCID as CON_ID, &&DCNA as CON_NAME, -- Detect and mark with Y the current DBA_FUS data set = Most Recent Sample based on LAST_SAMPLE_DATE case when DBID || '#' || VERSION || '#' || to_char(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') = first_value (DBID ) over (partition by &&DCID order by LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc nulls last, DBID desc) || '#' || first_value (VERSION ) over (partition by &&DCID order by LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc nulls last, DBID desc) || '#' || first_value (to_char(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) over (partition by &&DCID order by LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc nulls last, DBID desc) then 'Y' else 'N' end as CURRENT_ENTRY, NAME , LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, DBID , VERSION , DETECTED_USAGES , TOTAL_SAMPLES , CURRENTLY_USED , FIRST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_USAGE_DATE , AUX_COUNT , FEATURE_INFO from &&DFUS.FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS xy ), PFUS as ( -- Product-Feature Usage Statitsics = DBA_FUS entries mapped to their corresponding database products select CON_ID, CON_NAME, PRODUCT, NAME as FEATURE_BEING_USED, case when CONDITION = 'BUG' --suppressed due to exceptions/defects then '3.SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG' when detected_usages > 0 -- some usage detection - current or past and(trim(CONDITION) is null -- if special conditions (coded on the MAP.CONDITION column) are required, check if entries satisfy the condition -- C001 = compression has been used or CONDITION = 'C001' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'compression used: *TRUE', 'i') -- C002 = encryption has been used or CONDITION = 'C002' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'encryption used: *TRUE', 'i') -- C003 = more than one PDB are created or CONDITION = 'C003' and CON_ID=1 and AUX_COUNT > 1 ) then decode(CURRENT_ENTRY || '#' || CURRENTLY_USED, 'Y#TRUE', '6.CURRENT_USAGE', '4.PAST_USAGE') when detected_usages > 0 -- some usage detection - current or past and( -- if special counter conditions (coded on the MAP.CONDITION column) are required, check if the counter value is not 0 -- C001 = compression has been used at least once CONDITION = 'C001' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'compression used:[ 0-9]*[1-9][ 0-9]*time', 'i') -- C002 = encryption has been used at least once or CONDITION = 'C002' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'encryption used:[ 0-9]*[1-9][ 0-9]*time', 'i') ) then decode(CURRENT_ENTRY || '#' || CURRENTLY_USED, 'Y#TRUE', '5.PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', '4.PAST_USAGE') -- FEATURE_INFO counters indicate current or past usage when CURRENT_ENTRY = 'Y' then '2.NO_CURRENT_USAGE' -- detectable feature shows no current usage else '1.NO_PAST_USAGE' end as USAGE, LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, DBID , VERSION , DETECTED_USAGES , TOTAL_SAMPLES , CURRENTLY_USED , FIRST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_USAGE_DATE from ( select m.PRODUCT, m.CONDITION, m.MVERSION, first_value (m.MVERSION) over (partition by f.CON_ID, f.NAME, f.VERSION order by m.MVERSION desc nulls last) as MMVERSION, f.* from MAP m join FUS f on m.FEATURE = f.NAME and m.MVERSION = substr(f.VERSION, 1, length(m.MVERSION)) where nvl(f.TOTAL_SAMPLES, 0) > 0 -- ignore features that have never been sampled ) where MVERSION = MMVERSION -- retain only the MAP entry that mathces the most to the DBA_FUS version = the "most matching version" and nvl(CONDITION, '-') != 'INVALID' -- ignore entries that are invalidated by bugs or known issues or correspond to features which became free of charge and not (CONDITION = 'C003' and CON_ID not in (0, 1)) -- multiple PDBs are visible only in CDB$ROOT ) select grouping_id(CON_ID) as gid, CON_ID , decode(grouping_id(CON_ID), 1, '--ALL--', max(CON_NAME)) as CON_NAME, PRODUCT , decode(max(USAGE), '1.NO_PAST_USAGE' , 'NO_USAGE' , '2.NO_CURRENT_USAGE' , 'NO_USAGE' , '3.SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG', 'SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG', '4.PAST_USAGE' , 'PAST_USAGE' , '5.PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', 'PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', '6.CURRENT_USAGE' , 'CURRENT_USAGE' , 'UNKNOWN') as USAGE, max(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE) as LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, min(FIRST_USAGE_DATE) as FIRST_USAGE_DATE, max(LAST_USAGE_DATE) as LAST_USAGE_DATE from PFUS where USAGE in ('2.NO_CURRENT_USAGE', '4.PAST_USAGE', '5.PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', '6.CURRENT_USAGE') -- ignore '1.NO_PAST_USAGE', '3.SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG' group by rollup(CON_ID), PRODUCT having not (max(CON_ID) in (-1, 0) and grouping_id(CON_ID) = 1) -- aggregation not needed for non-container databases order by GID desc, CON_ID, decode(substr(PRODUCT, 1, 1), '.', 2, 1), PRODUCT ; prompt prompt prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prompt FEATURE USAGE DETAILS prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ with MAP as ( -- mapping between features tracked by DBA_FUS and their corresponding database products (options or packs) select '' PRODUCT, '' feature, '' MVERSION, '' CONDITION from dual union all SELECT 'Active Data Guard' , 'Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Active Data Guard' , 'Active Data Guard - Real-Time Query on Physical Standby' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Active Data Guard' , 'Global Data Services' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Analytics' , 'Data Mining' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Analytics' , 'Data Mining' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'ADVANCED Index Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Advanced Index Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup HIGH Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup HIGH Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup LOW Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup LOW Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup MEDIUM Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup MEDIUM Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup ZLIB Compression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Backup ZLIB Compression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Data Guard' , '11.2' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Data Guard' , '12.1' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Flashback Data Archive' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Flashback Data Archive' , '' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- licensing required by Optimization for Flashback Data Archive SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Flashback Data Archive' , '12.1' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- licensing required by Optimization for Flashback Data Archive SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'HeapCompression' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'HeapCompression' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Heat Map' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all -- SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Information Lifecycle Management' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Advanced Network Compression Service' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '11.2' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '12.1' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '11.2' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '12.1' , 'C001' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Compression (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Compression (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Deduplication (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Compression' , 'SecureFile Deduplication (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Backup Encryption' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Backup Encryption' , '12.1' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- licensing required only by encryption to disk SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Data Redaction' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Encrypted Tablespaces' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Encrypted Tablespaces' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '11.2' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Export)' , '12.1' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '11.2' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Oracle Utility Datapump (Import)' , '12.1' , 'C002' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'SecureFile Encryption (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'SecureFile Encryption (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Transparent Data Encryption' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Advanced Security' , 'Transparent Data Encryption' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Change Management Pack' , 'Change Management Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Configuration Management Pack for Oracle Database' , 'EM Config Management Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Data Masking Pack' , 'Data Masking Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Database Gateway' , 'Gateways' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Database Gateway' , 'Transparent Gateway' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database In-Memory' , 'In-Memory Aggregation' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database In-Memory' , 'In-Memory Column Store' , '' , 'BUG' from dual union all SELECT 'Database Vault' , 'Oracle Database Vault' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database Vault' , 'Oracle Database Vault' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Database Vault' , 'Privilege Capture' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'ADDM' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'ADDM' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline Template' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Baseline Template' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Report' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'AWR Report' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Automatic Workload Repository' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Adaptive Thresholds' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Adaptive Thresholds' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Static Computations' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Baseline Static Computations' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'Diagnostic Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Diagnostics Pack' , 'EM Performance Page' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Exadata' , 'Exadata' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Exadata' , 'Exadata' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.GoldenGate' , 'GoldenGate' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Hybrid Columnar Compression' , '12.1' , 'BUG' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Hybrid Columnar Compression Row Level Locking' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Sun ZFS with EHCC' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'ZFS Storage' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.HW' , 'Zone maps' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Label Security' , 'Label Security' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Label Security' , 'Label Security' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Multitenant' , 'Oracle Multitenant' , '12.1' , 'C003' from dual union all -- licensing required only when more than one PDB containers are created SELECT 'Multitenant' , 'Oracle Pluggable Databases' , '12.1' , 'C003' from dual union all -- licensing required only when more than one PDB containers are created SELECT 'OLAP' , 'OLAP - Analytic Workspaces' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'OLAP' , 'OLAP - Analytic Workspaces' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'OLAP' , 'OLAP - Cubes' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Partitioning' , 'Partitioning (user)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Partitioning' , 'Partitioning (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Partitioning' , 'Zone maps' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Pillar Storage' , 'Pillar Storage' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Pillar Storage' , 'Pillar Storage with EHCC' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , 'EM Standalone Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack for Database' , 'EM Database Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'RAC or RAC One Node' , 'Quality of Service Management' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Clusters' , 'Real Application Clusters (RAC)' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Clusters' , 'Real Application Clusters (RAC)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Clusters One Node' , 'Real Application Cluster One Node' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Capture' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Capture' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Replay' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'Database Replay: Workload Replay' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'SQL Performance Analyzer' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Real Application Testing' , 'SQL Performance Analyzer' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.Secure Backup' , 'Oracle Secure Backup' , '12.1' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- does not differentiate usage of Oracle Secure Backup Express, which is free SELECT 'Spatial and Graph' , 'Spatial' , '11.2' , 'INVALID' from dual union all -- does not differentiate usage of Locator, which is free SELECT 'Spatial and Graph' , 'Spatial' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Automatic Maintenance - SQL Tuning Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Automatic SQL Tuning Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Real-Time SQL Monitoring' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Real-Time SQL Monitoring' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Access Advisor' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Access Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Monitoring and Tuning pages' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Profile' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Profile' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Tuning Advisor' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Tuning Advisor' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'SQL Tuning Set (user)' , '12.1' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT 'Tuning Pack' , 'Tuning Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all SELECT '.WebLogic Server Management Pack Enterprise Edition' , 'EM AS Provisioning and Patch Automation Pack' , '11.2' , ' ' from dual union all select '' PRODUCT, '' FEATURE, '' MVERSION, '' CONDITION from dual ), FUS as ( -- the current data set to be used: DBA_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS or CDB_FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS for Container Databases(CDBs) select &&DCID as CON_ID, &&DCNA as CON_NAME, -- Detect and mark with Y the current DBA_FUS data set = Most Recent Sample based on LAST_SAMPLE_DATE case when DBID || '#' || VERSION || '#' || to_char(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS') = first_value (DBID ) over (partition by &&DCID order by LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc nulls last, DBID desc) || '#' || first_value (VERSION ) over (partition by &&DCID order by LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc nulls last, DBID desc) || '#' || first_value (to_char(LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS')) over (partition by &&DCID order by LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc nulls last, DBID desc) then 'Y' else 'N' end as CURRENT_ENTRY, NAME , LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, DBID , VERSION , DETECTED_USAGES , TOTAL_SAMPLES , CURRENTLY_USED , FIRST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_USAGE_DATE , AUX_COUNT , FEATURE_INFO from &&DFUS.FEATURE_USAGE_STATISTICS xy ), PFUS as ( -- Product-Feature Usage Statitsics = DBA_FUS entries mapped to their corresponding database products select CON_ID, CON_NAME, PRODUCT, NAME as FEATURE_BEING_USED, case when CONDITION = 'BUG' --suppressed due to exceptions/defects then '3.SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG' when detected_usages > 0 -- some usage detection - current or past and(trim(CONDITION) is null -- if special conditions (coded on the MAP.CONDITION column) are required, check if entries satisfy the condition -- C001 = compression has been used or CONDITION = 'C001' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'compression used: *TRUE', 'i') -- C002 = encryption has been used or CONDITION = 'C002' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'encryption used: *TRUE', 'i') -- C003 = more than one PDB are created or CONDITION = 'C003' and CON_ID=1 and AUX_COUNT > 1 ) then decode(CURRENT_ENTRY || '#' || CURRENTLY_USED, 'Y#TRUE', '6.CURRENT_USAGE', '4.PAST_USAGE') when detected_usages > 0 -- some usage detection - current or past and( -- if special counter conditions (coded on the MAP.CONDITION column) are required, check if the counter value is not 0 -- C001 = compression has been used at least once CONDITION = 'C001' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'compression used:[ 0-9]*[1-9][ 0-9]*time', 'i') -- C002 = encryption has been used at least once or CONDITION = 'C002' and regexp_like(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'encryption used:[ 0-9]*[1-9][ 0-9]*time', 'i') ) then decode(CURRENT_ENTRY || '#' || CURRENTLY_USED, 'Y#TRUE', '5.PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', '4.PAST_USAGE') -- FEATURE_INFO counters indicate current or past usage when CURRENT_ENTRY = 'Y' then '2.NO_CURRENT_USAGE' -- detectable feature shows no current usage else '1.NO_PAST_USAGE' end as USAGE, LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, DBID , VERSION , DETECTED_USAGES , TOTAL_SAMPLES , CURRENTLY_USED , FIRST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_USAGE_DATE, case when CONDITION = 'C001' then regexp_substr(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'compression used:(.*?)(times|TRUE|FALSE)', 1, 1, 'i') when CONDITION = 'C002' then regexp_substr(to_char(FEATURE_INFO), 'encryption used:(.*?)(times|TRUE|FALSE)', 1, 1, 'i') when CONDITION = 'C003' then 'AUX_COUNT=' || AUX_COUNT else '' end as EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO from ( select m.PRODUCT, m.CONDITION, m.MVERSION, first_value (m.MVERSION) over (partition by f.CON_ID, f.NAME, f.VERSION order by m.MVERSION desc nulls last) as MMVERSION, f.* from MAP m join FUS f on m.FEATURE = f.NAME and m.MVERSION = substr(f.VERSION, 1, length(m.MVERSION)) where nvl(f.TOTAL_SAMPLES, 0) > 0 -- ignore features that have never been sampled ) where MVERSION = MMVERSION -- retain only the MAP entry that mathces the most to the DBA_FUS version = the "most matching version" and nvl(CONDITION, '-') != 'INVALID' -- ignore entries that are invalidated by bugs or known issues or correspond to features which became free of charge and not (CONDITION = 'C003' and CON_ID not in (0, 1)) -- multiple PDBs are visible only in CDB$ROOT ) select CON_ID , CON_NAME , PRODUCT , FEATURE_BEING_USED, decode(USAGE, '1.NO_PAST_USAGE' , 'NO_PAST_USAGE' , '2.NO_CURRENT_USAGE' , 'NO_CURRENT_USAGE' , '3.SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG', 'SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG', '4.PAST_USAGE' , 'PAST_USAGE' , '5.PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', 'PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', '6.CURRENT_USAGE' , 'CURRENT_USAGE' , 'UNKNOWN') as USAGE, LAST_SAMPLE_DATE , DBID , VERSION , DETECTED_USAGES , TOTAL_SAMPLES , CURRENTLY_USED , FIRST_USAGE_DATE , LAST_USAGE_DATE , EXTRA_FEATURE_INFO from PFUS where USAGE in ('2.NO_CURRENT_USAGE', '3.SUPPRESSED_DUE_TO_BUG', '4.PAST_USAGE', '5.PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE', '6.CURRENT_USAGE') -- ignore '1.NO_PAST_USAGE' order by CON_ID, decode(substr(PRODUCT, 1, 1), '.', 2, 1), PRODUCT, FEATURE_BEING_USED, LAST_SAMPLE_DATE desc, PFUS.USAGE ; prompt prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prompt NOTES: prompt ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ prompt * The report lists all detectable products, according to the sampled database version(s) prompt * CURRENT_USAGE represents usage tracked over the last sample period, which defaults to one week. prompt * PAST_OR_CURRENT_USAGE example: Datapump Export entry indicates CURRENTLY_USED='TRUE' and FEATURE_INFO "compression used" counter prompt * indicates a non zero value that can be triggered by past or current (last week) usage. prompt * For historical details check FIRST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_USAGE_DATE, LAST_SAMPLE_DATE, TOTAL_SAMPLES, DETECTED_USAGES columns prompt * Leading dot (.) denotes a product that is not a Database Option or Database Management Pack prompt show USER prompt End of script spool off