connect / as sysdba -- 01 - CREATE USER -- drop user hajo cascade; create user hajo identified by hajo default tablespace users temporary tablespace temp account unlock; -- 02 - ALLOCATE QUOTAS alter user hajo quota unlimited on users; -- 03 - ASSIGN GRANTS grant resource to hajo; grant create session to hajo; grant create table to hajo; grant flashback any table to hajo; grant select on v_$database to hajo; -- 04 - CONNECT TEST USER connect hajo/hajo -- 05 - CREATE TEST TABLE -- drop table hajo.test_table; create table hajo.test_table ( test_table_col1 VARCHAR2(30) ); -- 06 - ENABLE ROW MOVEMENT alter table hajo.test_table enable row movement; -- 07 - TRUNCATE & FILL TEST TABLE truncate table hajo.test_table; insert into hajo.test_table values ('VALUE01'); insert into hajo.test_table values ('VALUE02'); insert into hajo.test_table values ('VALUE03'); insert into hajo.test_table values ('VALUE04'); insert into hajo.test_table values ('VALUE05'); commit; -- 08 - CHECK TABLE CONTENT select * from hajo.test_table order by 1; -- 09 - GET CURRENT SYSTEM CHANGE NUMBER select to_char(CURRENT_SCN) from v$database; -- SAMPLE OUTPUT TO BE USED IN STEP 12: 4797770 -- 10 - DELETE ROW WITH 'VALUE03' delete from hajo.test_table where test_table_col1 = 'VALUE03'; commit; -- 11 - CHECK TABLE CONTENT select * from hajo.test_table order by 1; -- 12 - FLASHBACK TABLE flashback table hajo.test_table to scn 4797770; -- 13 - CHECK TABLE CONTENT select * from hajo.test_table order by 1; -- 14 - CLEANUP connect / as sysdba drop user hajo cascade; _____________________________________________________________________________________ ACHTUNG!!! FLASHBACK TABLE IST NUR NACH DML MÖGLICH - NICHT NACH DDL!!! ACHTUNG!!! FLASHBACK TABLE IST NUR NACH DML MÖGLICH - NICHT NACH DDL!!! ACHTUNG!!! FLASHBACK TABLE IST NUR NACH DML MÖGLICH - NICHT NACH DDL!!! _____________________________________________________________________________________ alter table hajo.test_table add (test_table_col2 NUMBER (7,2)); flashback table hajo.test_table to scn 4797770; FEHLER in Zeile 1: ORA-01466: Daten konnen nicht gelesen werden - Tabellendefinition hat sich geandert